Easter Brunch


Ever since I was a little kid Easter was always a big deal in my household. My mom loves to go all out for Easter, hiding eggs for my sisters and I, filled with lottery scratchers, frozen yogurt gift certificates, money and candy. She actually still does an egg hunt for us even though we’re all older than dirt. The funny thing is that none of us really want the eggs filled with candy. Those aren’t nearly as fun as the others. Give me all the lottery scratchers, those are my favorite. She also gives us baskets filled with goodies. It’s something small and silly if you think about it, but it means the world to us still. We grew up looking forward to Easter, just as much as Christmas. It was a time for the four of us to really hang out and listen to music and play games and eat food, of course, and just have a good time. Not much has changed since then. We don’t really have a set menu or a particular dish we make and eat every single year. My two sisters don’t like ham so my mom and I never make it because it seems like such a waste to make a big ol’ ham just for the two of us. The menu sort of changes from year to year based on what my mamma wants to make and what my sisters and I want to eat. Trying to get us all on the same page can be difficult sometimes, luckily though, we all decide on one thing eventually. I think it’s nice that we switch it up. 

I decided that this year, I’d do a big Easter Brunch Bonanza on the blog for you guys. I’m doing it a couple weeks early because I wanted to make sure I give you enough time to plan things out and get your grocery lists together so you can be prepared on the day of. I’m starting to get smarter with these themed posts because I feel like sometimes I spring the recipes and ideas on you out of nowhere and without plenty of time to make it for yourselves. What’s the point in that?! This time around though, we’re all going to be prepared and on the same page.

You don’t have to celebrate Easter necessarily in order to enjoy these recipes. They’re all Spring time favorites of mine that utilize some very delicious seasonal ingredients. You can make them as an entire brunch menu, using all five recipes, or you can showcase them individually and have them each shine on their own, amidst all of your other favorite recipes. I promise they’re all delicious and got the seal of approval from Napoleon who has deemed himself my official taste tester, whether I like it or not.  

So what exactly is this Easter Brunch I’m going on and on about? It’s a series of easy, yet delicious, recipes which you can make without spending too much time in the kitchen. What’s more, you can even make a few of these ahead of time and make the entire Easter brunch experience even smoother. That sounds like the best thing ever.

I’m not just going to give you the recipes all at once because I feel like that can be overwhelming. Plus, what would be the fun in that? I have to get you interested and coming back for more. Give you something to look forward to. So this very first post is just a teaser post. To show you what’s to come. Give you a taste and get you hooked. Is it working? I sure hope so because if not, the next five days will be a bit tiresome for you. 


Here’s the brunch menu breakdown. 

Recipe 1: Roasted Asparagus and Prosciutto Croissants

Recipe 2: Cucumber and Strawberry Salad

Recipe 3: Spring Eggs Benedict

Recipe 4: Carrot Cake Scones

Recipe 5: Carrot Bloody Marys


I’m keeping the exact names a surprise so I can revel them all as I post them. I’ll begin posting the recipes, one a day, starting on Monday and ending on Friday. It’s probably the biggest thing I’ve ever shot and composed and thought of, for that matter. It’s also the most excited I’ve ever been to share recipes on the site. I can’t wait for you guys to see and make them all. 

As the posts go live, I’ll come back to this main post and update the recipe names and link back to the individual posts themselves so that there’s one main location for you to access all of them. I’m trying to make this super easy and convenient for you, and I think this is the best way. 

If I tell you that all of these recipes are my favorite and that you should most definitely try all of them, would that convince you to make them? Because I wouldn’t be lying. They are all my favorite and if you had to make any one of them, I’d say you better make them all because if you don’t, you’ll totally wish you had. 

Just in case you’re interested in this sort of thing, I got all of the linens, place settings, and decorations from Pier1 imports and Homegoods. Oh while I’m on the subject of Homegoods, allow me to veer off topic for a quick second. Have any of you been to Homegoods before? I went for the first time for these props and I’m now obsessed. There is so much good stuff there and for cheap, which you can’t beat. I could get into serious trouble there. I’ll have to limit my visits. 

I hope you guys enjoy these recipes and give them a try. Above all, I hope you have an awesome Easter filled with friends, family and nothing but good memories. Whether you do a brunch or a lunch or dinner, the important thing is to be surrounded by those people who mean the world to you. Happy (Earlier) Easter!

I’ll drop the Menu down here as well so that you can easily access it! Remember, I’ll be updating it as I post the recipes!

Recipe 1: Roasted Asparagus and Prosciutto Croissants

Recipe 2: Cucumber and Strawberry Salad

Recipe 3: Spring Eggs Benedict

Recipe 4: Carrot Cake Scones

Recipe 5: Carrot Bloody Marys

Join the Conversation

  1. This is the most beautiful and tasty looking brunch I’ve ever seen. I love the table setting! I’m intrigued that the food looks substantial yet healthy. I look forward to the recipes!

  2. This brunch looks delicious! What time shall I come over?? Look forward to checking out the recipes. Napoleon is so lucky! 🙂

  3. You are amazing! Everything looks beautiful & I can’t wait for the recipes!! I hope you’ll tell us where you got the fun decorations, too.

    1. Thank you Lucy! I got them from HomeGoods and Pier1 Imports!

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